Friday, May 2, 2008

about borders

here are three different ways to add a border to your images using photoshop:

Colored Border
1. Open the image.
2. Select the entire image by hitting ctrl+A
3. Go to Edit > Stroke.
4. Select the color of your border.
5. Select the size of your border. I have used 40px for the sample above.
6. Click OK.

Outlined Photo
1. Use eyedropper and choose outer border color.
2. Go to Layer > Duplicate layer.
3. Select the new layer and then go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke.
4. Choose size of inner frame. Sample here was set to 1px.
5. Choose color then hit OK.
6. Select the original layer. Go to Image > Canvas Size.
7. Click on the Relative checkbox. Choose size. For this example, I chose 40px.
8. Hit OK.

Variation of the Outlined Photo
1. Follow steps 6 to 8 from the previous method. Ignore steps 1 to 5.
2. Select the Line Tool and choose 1px for the line size.
3. Select an appropriate color for the line.
4. Draw 4 different lines that will serve as the border for the photo.

That's it. If you like this tutorial or have questions, just send me a message.

Thanks, folks and have a good day!

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