Tuesday, October 20, 2009

burst of colors

plastic no. 2
Originally uploaded by gezelle
saw several plastic bags hanging by the back of a chair in the kitchen earlier today. the colors immediately attracted me and reminded me of an abstract photo which i saw from a magazine. i thought it may be interesting to create something like it.

i took my camera and chose a setting of 1/8 for the shutter speed. i shot the photo and tried zooming the lens out during exposure. after reviewing the output, i realized that i needed more time during exposure to exaggerate movement and create a more abstract pattern. i switched to manual mode and adjusted both shutter and aperture. the final setting for the photo is: 1/5, f5.6, iso 100.

i dont really do a lot of zooming in or out when taking photos, so that was the most challenging part for me. perhaps from the photo, you can see that my hands were a little shaky. thats my left hand trying to adjust the focal length, hehe. may pagka-pasmado kasi.

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