Saturday, March 22, 2008

Surfer Girls

photo uploaded by gezelle in flickr

photo was taken in the afternoon of the surfing trip. they were my roommates. that is my sarong and that "strawberry fields forever" song was playing in my head all day long. (my sentences tend to rhyme when im sleepy).

photo on the left was minimally enhanced. picture was rotated 90 degrees CW and PS was used to adjust levels and remove facial imperfections using the healing brush.

photo on the right was applied with digital "cross-processing" techniques to give it a 70s look and feel. the goal was to add brown and greenish tones to the photo and desaturate the colors. the tutorial came from

not sure if you'd like the "70s version" better than the original, but i really had fun following the "recipe" and looking forward to doing more of this. my friend was telling me im becoming a "photoshoper" more than becoming a photographer. i dont mind. who knows, maybe i can be both :)

let me know what you think! thanks and God bless this easter!

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